Meditation on Morning Panorama – A Retiring View

As the travel of the morning marches by my condo window, I do what I’ve longed for over the last few years: read, lounge, and get myself further organized for retirement. There are zillions of things to do when one pulls up stakes and moves across the country! The morning calms my soul for another day of all this lifestyle adjustment.

The panoramic swishing of cars by the palm trees outside my window reminds me that the city is waking up and people in many places are making the world work. I wish them peace, and deep breaths to flavor their coffee.

For considerably over fifty years of my life I’ve been in the morning rush, and I relate to the harnessing of energy to face the day.  Now, I’m working a few hours at my own schedule, caring for a disabled spouse, and experimenting to design a simpler daily schedule.

My first goal of retirement was to settle in, downsizing and simplifying my life and budget. At the same time I’m using a Zen approach to food preparation and planning.  This reminds me that food is fuel as I prepare meals and snacks. I am mindful as I work in the kitchen that good food teams up with the morning panorama to energize my day.  I live in my body as this fuels me as I live this calmer and gentler life.

Walking in the morning and evening lets me fulfill my exercise needs while enjoying nature and the matinee of people we pass.  In this way I steer my own energies for my day. My husband especially loves the lizards, both straight and curly tails. To give myself enough health to help him in my caregiver duties, I also do some yoga and a low impact workout.

Retirement is a gift I am unwrapping slowly. I plan to be fully set up within a year, warming into the ebb and flow of daily senior living.  There is no rush traffic in my life, although I still have plans, ideas, and love to scatter freely here and yon.

There is plenty of time for whatever happens today and  .     .     .  the constantly moving panorama that is life.

Copyright by Hildra Tague.  Obtain permission from author for use online or in print.

About grantutor

Career educator in both public and private schools. Has tutored all ages. Writes about education, parenting, & seniors. Sings harmony with folk/rock group and a choir. Caregiver for spouse who dealt with Stage IV cancer. Happy person committed to nature and conservation of a green world.
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1 Response to Meditation on Morning Panorama – A Retiring View

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