Of These My Children: A Pinky for Peace

In my classsroom, as in any classroom, sometimes children don’t get along. They may have learned from the example set by adults around them. Sometimes what they learned helped them, and sometimes it didn’t.

Since everyone in our class has a pinky finger on each hand, I’ve been known to extract pinky promises when setting goals, and especially about interpersonal issues. At times this may include a couple of options, When squabbles break out, students benefit from having a degree of power which comes with making a choice.

One day there were several arguments and the classroom air was feeling toxic. I had to act proactively, so I declared a “Pinky Meeting.” During that session everyone held up both pinkies to distract them from pursuing their disagreements. After all, it does take concentration to sit and hole both pinkies up, ha.

Firsts I did a pep talk, mentioning good traits of each one involved and the group as a whole. Then I declared our purpose was to learn things which would help them in real life. So dealing with situations like this is real life, and I needed their help in making success happen.

I also reminded them of our shared goals and rewards, and how it made them feel bad to argue so much. Then I put out my pinky, welcoming anyone to give a pinky promise to work toward what I called “My Pinky of Peace.” Usually after one brave student took me up on it others followed. Then the work began.

We finally made it to Science class. Before long someone asked, “Is antibiotic made out of ants?” School was back in session, ah.

Sometimes school subjects get all mashed together, just like smuched potatoes. We had been studying verbs in English class all week, so on Friday I asked what they knew about verbs. One young scholar was proud to say, “I know all about Lincoln verbs!” Maybe we’ll spend another week on verbs and learn to spell action verbs and linking verbs. And I could bring some Lincoln Logs to play with in free time.

We all love eating our lunch outside under the sweet gum trees, just beside the Chocolate Porch. Something flitted by toward a tree and we all looked at a bird picking on a squirrel. One gal volunteered, “Yesterday I saw a blue joy in our back yard.” I spoke about how bluejays can be aggressive also, but we all agreed they are simply enthralling.

A boy told us how much fun he had going camping with his family. His uncle lost his “futility knife but found it by the river.” I explained to the others what people use a utility knife for and some of them didn’t really want to watch fish being cleaned.

Math kinda makes things add up in my class. Learning math facts was usually a high spot of the day. I often lapsed into song, singing the 5’s or whatever facts we were working on to get the kids in the mood for math. That day a guy remarked, “Do you know you’re singing in country?” I wasn’t sure if that was good or bad in his eyes, but he thought I was singing it like a country song. With children around, one never lacks for critiques!

Most kids will tell you the hardest part of Math is subtraction. A little guy put it differently, “I just don’t get why girls are allowed to do this kind of hard math. Sir traction should be just for boys. That’s what Sir means!” I had to perk up and teach more than subtraction that day.

As the day wound down, I was just too tired to put forth my usual energy, so we ended with silent reading (STAR time means Students and Teachers are Reading). As I read, my mind calmed and I realized what a really good day we just had. My Pinky of Peace was a great help to all of us that fine day.

Copyright 2020 by Hildra Tague. Obtain permission for use online or in print.

About grantutor

Career educator in both public and private schools. Has tutored all ages. Writes about education, parenting, & seniors. Sings harmony with folk/rock group and a choir. Caregiver for spouse who dealt with Stage IV cancer. Happy person committed to nature and conservation of a green world.
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